
The Blues & Soul Brothers
GODIN endorsement
NewsPress reviews
‚Rob Mo’s blues stylings map to the most charismatic territories of the genre, gilded by two common qualities – an extraordinary instrumental finesse and a constantly uncompromising vocal aesthetic.“‚
„Rob is one of the most technically gifted, soulful and incendiary guitar players on the US and European blues circuits.“
“He is a passionate and commanding guitarist, laying down great groove in every song he plays. Watching him you know each note comes straight from his heart.”
„While Morbioli unleashes his hellhounds in front of the stage, you hear all kinds of funk, soul, shuffle, swamp, second line and everything that’s an unabashed, relentless feast for the ears, and other senses.“
“Every note is coming straight from the heart. And it’s so infectious that you’re caught up in it before you realize what’s happening.”
“The blues flows so naturally for Roberto Morbioli, and his guitar playing and vocals are so polished, he sounds as if he grew up closer to Chicago than Verona, Italy.“
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